Beth Morrison

Dec 7, 20192 min

Angus Education Training

Beth, Kate and Sarah were in Angus on Thursday (05/11/19) delivering training to around 60 Angus Council Education staff. The first half of the day was on Understanding Behaviour as Communication, Positive Behaviour Support and The Impact of Sensory Processing on Behaviour. The second half was The Communication Passport and making a Behaviour Support Plan.

We had a brilliant day with really lovely people who were clearly committed to Getting It Right For Every Child in our schools. Thank you for inviting us, it was great to meet you all.

Here is just some of the feedback we got from the staff.

"Very easy to listen to the information as the personal side was humorous and insightful"
"I strongly feel this needs to be presented to all schools (Headteachers) to ensure it is shared with all staff, this would enhance consistency for all children, Thank you so much!"
"Fantastic Presentations, loads of useful ideas & things to think about. Thank you!"

"A lot of light-bulb moments from me, all staff in schools should have training to increase empathy for children with ch. behaviour"
"Really informative day. This training would be extremely beneficial for whole school staff to raise awareness of how to support and understand behaviour. Thank you"
"This would be very useful to be rolled out to all HT's, teaching and non teaching staff throughout Angus"
"Very Interesting, I wish it had been around 20 years ago when my autistic daughter was at school"

"Lots of new ideas to think about- thank you"
"Great speakers, passports would be so helpful in the future"
"I particularly appreciated that this came from the perspective of parents"
"Honest, informative and inspiring, looking forward to future joint working"
"Lots of valuable learning in practice and research. Fantastic speakers, your love for your job and family shines through"
"Personal experience drawn on this was very powerful to hear"
"You ladies blew me away! Keep doing what you do, PABSS rocks!"

"This made me think how I can use this information to meet the needs of pupils in my school"
"Such a personable and child centred presentation, leaving me with more ideas to try too"
"The colours (in the passport) would tie in well with Zones of regulation work in Angus Schools"
"We need this in every single school in the country, these ladies are so inspiring, their work and passion is incredible"
